Иностранные языки
Вакансии по дате: Все вакансии
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Deutschlehrer/in gesucht! Die Sprachschule GermanLingua in Chisinau bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, interessanten Menschen in einem professionellen Umfeld zu unterrichten und Ihre pädagogischen Fähigkeiten im Gruppen- und Einzelunterricht und evtl. auch im online-Unterricht weiter zu entwickeln. Senden Sie uns bitte Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung an: german_lingua@yahoo.com oder rufen Sie an unter: 068390114 Ich freue mich auf dich!
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Deutschlehrer/in gesucht! Die Sprachschule GermanLingua in Chisinau bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, interessanten Menschen in einem professionellen Umfeld zu unterrichten und Ihre pädagogischen Fähigkeiten im Gruppen- und Einzelunterricht und evtl. auch im online-Unterricht weiter zu entwickeln. Senden Sie uns bitte Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung an: german_lingua@yahoo.com oder rufen Sie an unter: 068390114 Ich freue mich auf dich!
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
We are an American company that works on international IT projects. While growing, we look for new members in our office for full-time to our Moldovan team located in Balti. What we require: - High level English - Good PC User (Office software, Browsers, Social networks); - Team worker. What we offer: - Comfortable office; - Social package; - Contractual income; - Career advancement; - Coffee, tea, billiard.
ENGLISH CLUB A young and dynamic language center in Chisinau is looking for a Teacher of English for small groups (4-8 students in each group) This person must be: - Fluent English level (written and spoken) - Active, responsible, hard-working, punctual and reliable - University or college degree -speak Russian and Romanian fluently -full-time availability (morning-evening hours) -open-minded and enthusiastic about teaching If you feel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
Urgent. Cautam persoane cu nivel avansat de limba franceza. Asteptam CV-ul Dvoastra pe adresa: contact@vioxa.info
Se caută persoane responsabile, cunoașterea limbilor italiana, engleză/franceza, cu vîrsta de 25-30 ani.
Se angajeaza persoane comunicabile,responsabile, cunoașterea limbilor italiană și engleză, cunoașterea calculatorului la nivel de utilizator.
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
Должностные обязанности: • Прием и обработка поступающих запросов на оказание услуг письменного и устного перевода в соответствии с внутренними регламентами компании. • Определение и согласование исполнителей. • Расчет стоимости и сроков реализации проектов. • Координация работы штатных и внештатных исполнителей (переводчиков, корректоров, редакторов, дизайнеров), контроль над сроками исполнения и качеством переводов. • Ведение статистическо
De 10 ani funcționăm ca birou de traduceri autorizate și punem la dispoziția clienților noștri servicii specializate de traduceri și interpretariat. Vrem sa ne mărim echipa, drept urmare căutam colega pentru poziția de Manager de Oficiu, unde vă veți ocupa de buna desfășurare a procesului de traducere, menținând relația dintre clienți si traducători, pregătirea documentelor pentru legalizare, apostilă, estimare comenzi. Candidatul ideal este
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
LITRA International cauta persoane disponibile pentru a lucra ca secretara la domiciliu, sarcinile principale: telemarketing si traducerea, cautare pe internet, emails. Poate fi un job part-time sau de norma intreaga. Cerintele: competente informatice bune, calculator propriu cu conexiune ADSL, sa vorbiti si scrieti foarte bine urmatoarele limbi: engleza, italiana.Trebuie sa fie neangajat. Va rugam sa trimiteti CV-ul la info@litrasrl.com.
De 10 ani funcționăm ca birou de traduceri autorizate și punem la dispoziția clienților noștri servicii specializate de traduceri și interpretariat. Vrem sa ne mărim echipa, drept urmare căutam colega pentru poziția de Manager de Oficiu, unde vă veți ocupa de buna desfășurare a procesului de traducere, menținând relația dintre clienți si traducători, pregătirea documentelor pentru legalizare, apostilă, estimare comenzi. Candidatul ideal este
Instituția Publică „Centrul Tehnologii Informaționale și Comunicaționale în Educație” propune postul vacant pentru funcția de specialist principal în Secția de informare și autentificare a actelor de studii. Cerințe: Studii superioare; Posedarea limbilor română și rusă (de dorit și o limbă străină); Abilități de lucru cu PC; Responsabilitate sporită de lucru cu documente, inclusiv și cele cu caracter personal; Competențe de comunicare
(Cerinte cusnoasterea limbii engleze) Part time! Orele de munca 16:00-23:00 (Luni-Vineri) Obligatoriu cunoasterea limbii engleze la nivel de comunicare! Cautam persoane comunicabile pline de energie cu dorinta de a face parte dintr-o echipa tinara si dinamica! Training achitat! Conditii de munca ce corespund celor mai inalte standarte!
В молодую команду нужен активный человек с желанием помогать ученикам нашей школы и приглашать их на первый урок. Мы предлагаем: ● Удаленная работа из любой точки мира; ● Регулярные выплаты дважды в месяц. Средний доход - 6000 лей; ● Оплачиваемый отпуск; ● Удобный график 5/2. Полный день: 10-19, 11-20. Неполный день: 10-15; 15-20 (минимум 5 ч смена). Выходные - вс и один день в будни. ● Классный продукт и скидку на обучение 50%.
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
Who are we: A team of 20 young and dedicated people bridging administrative tasks, handling sales, operations, and marketing for the Canadian sister company. What do we offer: • Cozy and conveniently located office • Friendly team • Opportunities for growth • Motivating salary: from 9500 MDL guaranteed to go up to 12000 MDL in no more than 3 months of employment (depending on performance). Targeted salary within 6 months of employment is
If you have passion for problem solving and providing world-class customer service, then we want to talk to you! We are a growing Canadian Moving Company and are looking for a talented customer satisfaction and claims resolution specialist. Responsibilities and Expectations: 1) Handling and resolving customer complaints in a timely manner: • research, investigate, negotiate, and resolve of all types of customer complaints via tel
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