Резюме № 349327 от 1 декабря 2022
Head of PMO / Head of Projects

age 41 год


address Chișinău

30 000 MDL

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Обо мне

Опыт управления проектами с 2007 года, в начале карьеры в основном ИТ проекты, далее управление инвестициями в разных сферах экономики, в том числе руководил крупной M&A сделкой.
Интересуюсь новыми трендами в сфере управления проектами. Сейчас изучаю методологию P3.express.
Член PMI Belgium.

Project and Portfolio Management
Establishing PMOs
Project Initiation
Project planning
Portfolio Planning
Investment analysis
Project control
Team Management
Relationship Building
Process Improvements
Stakeholder Management
Strategic Planning


Опыт работы

Июнь 2020 - Февраль 2022
1 год 9 месяцев

Project Manager

X5 Retail Group


1. Leaded project that saved more than 50 000 man hours across 17500 stores, that was started from scratch and finished with success: complex solution that was rolled out on all chain of retails shops. Project included hardware and software solutions. More than 100 team members were involved.
2. Successfully started and finished number of projects including Tableau Reporting Service for Operations Department, Leaded innovation logistic service for Logistics Department, dynamic pricing pilot project.
3. Arranged tender procedures in big and complex corporate structure.

Июнь 2016 - Март 2020
3 года 9 месяцев

Head of Project Management Office

Pony Express


1. Established from scratch Project Management Office (PMO) focused on investments, IT and transformation projects. Team of 5 direct reports and 15 in matrix organization.
2. Successfully initiated, delivered and closed M&A project including more than 10 000 employees and 1 billion employed capital.
3. Conducted global finance audit of projects delivered by predecessors with Lessons Learned List as a result.
4. Managed Portfolio of more than 20 cross-functional projects controlled on regular basis by PMO managers, PMO and Strategy Director in matrix organization.
5. Created and implemented project initiation and delivery business process supported by modern IT solution (MS Project Server 2016) as well as outcome and output analysis.
6. Actively hired and developed new PMO personnel.
As a part of managing PMO duties authored and implemented investment and project delivery Rule Book based on the cutting edge integrated project management theory Praxis Framework and Prince2 P3O, taking into the account rules and procedures of the host enterprise.

Март 2014 - Июнь 2016
2 года 4 месяца

Head of IT PMO



1) Created office of project management with the following main goal: quality delivery of IT security projects on behalf of the clients.
2) Developed KPI system aimed at the project team.
3) Deployed Project server 2013 for time and scope control as well as BI for the CEO
4) Day to Day management and communication with key clients, including crisis resolutions.
5) Sustained engagement with the commercial department.

Январь 2010 - Февраль 2014
4 года 2 месяца

Head of IT PMO

MTS Bank


1) Server as a dedicated Programm Manager of DWH group of projects
2) Managed the programm through initiation, definition and authorization of Program to the final hand over.
3) Was actively involved in the detailed business analysis development and specification of needed product throughout personal interviews with main stakeholders and learning existing documentation.
4) Tendered to every component of the solution: Data Base, Extract Transform and Load, BI
5) Developed all project management documentation as follows: Project Charter, Project Plan, Risk Register etc.
6) Report on a bi-weekly basis to Senior Responsible Owner on the Programm
7) Coordinated cross-functional teams across the bank.


Румынский Базовый

Русский Свободно владею

Английский Разговорный

Иврит Разговорный

Образование: Высшее

Год окончания: 2005

Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Beer-sheva, Israel

Факультет: Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management

Специальность: Hotel and Tourism Management

Год окончания: 2002

University of Jerusalem, Israel

Факультет: Rothberg International School

Специальность: High school diploma

Курсы, тренинги

Год окончания: 2018

Praxis Framework self learning

Год окончания: 2020

Prince2 self learning

Год окончания: 2017

Quality management system ISO 9001

Организатор: Bureau Veritas,

Пожелания к работе

График работы


Водительское удостоверение

Категория: B

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