44 года
Чтобы открыть контактную информацию соискателя, нужно зарегистрироваться и оплатить услугу "Доступ к базе резюме".
Обо мне
good communication skills gained through my experience as inventory control specialist
▪ good analytical skills gained through my experience as Economist-accountant- financial-analyst
▪ good relationship with the customers and suppliers in logistic organization of transport.
good command of Microsoft Office™ tools
▪ good command of accountant program 1C-C 7.7,
▪ good command of Internet Explorer, International programs (IREN,IRIS,ICS, CRM)
Опыт работы
Сентябрь 2015 - Настоящее время
9 лет 6 месяцев
Executive manager
ICS Link Comapany SRL
C arry out the mission, vision and objectives of the firm
▪ Data base entry in CRM system
▪ Transport logistics
▪ Cash Flow planning
▪ Budget setting
▪ R eview financial reports to make financial strategy decisions and revenue or cost adjustment
▪ Invoices issue
▪ Bank statements recording
▪ Salary calculation
▪ Internati onal, national trips recording
▪ Accounts receivable and payable control
▪ Accountability in the clouds keeping (Czech Republic and Republic of
▪ Supplier and Customer Relationship management
▪ Deliverables follow up
▪ Supervise and coordinate the operatio nal activities
▪ Checking financial documents (invoices/bank statements/credit notes) received from the local des
▪ Reconciling the accounts of the vendors and reporting activities if needed
Январь 2013 - Декабрь 2014
1 год 11 месяцев
Assistant of National expert
Business Research Company (BRC
t” Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement”, Republic
of Moldova
▪ C ontributed to the successful development of the project communication, translation, organization
of meetings of staff members of the MoEI, Quality Infrastructure institutions, BS Os and business
associations , international
▪ Assignment was to contribute “supporting stakeholders during the execution of the project
▪ Translation and adapting The Directive 2007/45/EC of the European Parli ament and of th e
Council of Sept ember 5, 2007 laying down rules on nominal quantities for pre packed products,
repealing Council Directives 75/106/EEC and 80/232/EEC, and amending Council Directive
▪ Translation and adapting of European Parliamen t and Council’ Directive 2009/34 /EC of April 23,
2009 relating to common provisions for both measuring instruments and methods of metrological
Сентябрь 2012 - Декабрь 2014
2 года 3 месяца
Inventory control specialist
ICS “Mary Kay (Moldova) Limited” L.L.C.
Planning and promotion of new products
▪ New production presentations
▪ Controlling and Maintaining the necessary items in stock
▪ Monthly analysis of long-term prognosis of products for timely adjustment of production and their
▪ Analysis of new product sales
▪ Analysis of product quality and validity periods
▪ Development of product information to prepare the order form and other Company printed
materials (codes, prices, titles, promotions and special offers, etc.)
▪ Analysis of key indicators in sales: Analysis of costs and implementation of key financial indicators
and initiate necessary changes; Analysis of sales by category and develop actions to promote and
increase sales.
Май 2005 - Сентябрь 2012
7 лет 5 месяцев
Economist-accountant- financial-analyst
ICS “Mary Kay (Moldova) Limited” L.L.C.
Settlements with clients, advance returns GAAP, stock planning, calculation, preparation and
payment planning, preparing international standards GAAP. Cash flow analysis and planning in
dynamic budgeting. Costs and revenues analysis.
Январь 2003 - Май 2005
2 года 4 месяца
Designing and Construction Company Badprim L.L.C
Control and verification of statements of expenditure, work refund , preparing financial statements,
performing bank transactions, the processing of customs declarations
Январь 2002 - Январь 2003
1 год 1 месяц
Excalibur L.L.C
Salary calculation and its payment , Settlements with clients , preparing of primary documents
Румынский Свободно владею
Русский Свободно владею
Английский Свободно владею
Французский Средний
Образование: Высшее
Год окончания: 2003
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Факультет: Finance and Accounting
Специальность: iploma in finance and accounting (equivalent to a master degree)
Пожелания к работе
График работы
Водительское удостоверение
Категория: B
С личным авто
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