
age 40 ani


address Chișinău


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Despre mine

- Excellent team workability;
- Good communication skills;
- Strong ability to adapt to multicultural environment;
- Excellent sense of responsibility, discipline and organization;

Experiența profesională

Septembrie 2019 - Prezent
5 ani 6 luni


Hazelnut Asset Management


Managing a private project of hazelnut orchards development in Moldova.

Mai 2017 - Iunie 2019
2 ani 2 luni


Hazelnurse / Hazelfarm Group of Companies


Developing a hazelnut start up business in the agri sector of Moldovan economy, with the main mission to grow the surfaces of the hazelnut orchards in the country and export the grown product to EU market, specifically to Italy, to companies like Ferrero, Nestle and other smaller processors of hazelnuts.

Noiembrie 2011 - Ianuarie 2016
4 ani 3 luni

United Nations Base Manager

UTair Aviation Company

One of the main duties, was interaction with the UN Units on site (United Nations field missions) on all related matters, as per the UN SOP. Also, I have to manage logistic procedures in support of the aircrafts in the mission. Also, I had to handle personnel rotation, as all the personnel was rotating on a constant basis. Most often, we had to assist in providing visa, invitation and extension support for the Company's staff members. A core duty was to insure safe and secure work environment for the staff, by creating good living conditions and supplying them with all the necessary equipment and services. One of the main duty was maintaining a constant interaction with the Headquarters on all matters, as well as with the UN units on site.
Working in support of a UN mission I've adapted to a multicultural environment and work under stress in third world countries, mainly in Africa. Also, as my duties involved aircrafts, I have learned to manage air assets, as well as coordinate the work between pilots, engineers and air ops. But the most valuable achievement I would state, is being able to assist in maintaining peace and improving development of the local population in the unstable regions of the world.

Februarie 2010 - Septembrie 2011
1 an 8 luni


“Sanmedico” SRL


One of the main duties was tender assessment according to the company’s profile and yearly acquisition schedule. Also I had to handle the list of necessary documents for each bid, prepare and request them accordingly to the bid conditions. Under my supervision was the custom clearance processes of the imported merchandise, as well as insuring the timely and proper delivery of goods to clients. In addition, I had to supervise the proper execution of each contract with the company.
My biggest achievement is the fact that I helped grow and develop the supplier base, as well as the clients base. Also, I systematized the import and delivery of the ordered goods.


Română Fluent

Rusă Fluent

Ucraineană Comunicare

Engleză Fluent

Franceză Mediu

Arabă Mediu

Studii: Superioare

Absolvit în: 2009

Moscow Law Academy

Facultatea: International Affairs

Specialitatea: Bachelor in Law

Cursuri, training-uri

Certificate of proficiency in Arabic language

Organizator: Moscow Law Academy

UN Conduct and Discipline Unit Training

Organizator: UNMISS / UNAMID

UNAMID Security Awareness Training.

Absolvit în: 2015

International Organization Management, with honors

Organizator: University of Geneva

Absolvit în: 2016

Integrated Aviation Management

Organizator: McGill University

Absolvit în: 2016

Customer Analytics

Organizator: University of Pennsylvania

Absolvit în: 2016

Supply Chain Management

Organizator: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


Permis de conducere

Categoria: B

Cu automobil personal

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".