
age 27 ani


address Chișinău

13 000 MDL

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".

Despre mine

My love for economics and foreign languages is not a simple coincidence. My grandfather was a professor at the University, he knew a range of foreign languages and taught exact sciences in Cuba for many years. He was always for me the one who motivated me to knowledge.
So, over the years of studying honorably and diligently, I was pretty lucky to receive the best practical and up-to-date knowledge not only from the best higher educational study programs from our country, internships in Public Finance Organizations and Banking Sphere, trainings with foreign professors, working in international companies offering services for Israeli and USA market, but also to study abroad which was an unique opportunity for me. I gained a scholarship to study Spanish Philology at the University of A Coruña, in Spain, Galicia.
Despite a proactive student and research position in various educational fields, participation in conferences, writing publications for university magazines and continuous study and work, I gained the most important knowledge due to the international approach based on interacting with different people from all over the world. Thanks to my diverse studies and work and training experience, I learned to work hard, communicate in contradictory situations, work in groups, remain positive, meet the deadlines, express my opinion freely, and respect others’.
I am motivated to study and work tirelessly and give the knowledge gained with gratitude and pride, because as the great Spanish artist Goya said at the age of 80, “I am still learning”.

Cвободное владение ПК, знание программ MC Office & Google Suit на уровне продвинутого пользователя;
Навыки делового общения и деловой переписки;
Навыки создания, развития и ведения клиентской базы;
Умение работать в команде;
Легко выступаю на публике;
Знание английского и испанского языков.

Vezi mai mult

Experiența profesională

Octombrie 2020 - Decembrie 2020
3 luni

Стажёр в Forex

Mobiasbanca - OTP Group


Исследование рынка Форекс;
Составление отчётов и их анализ;
Оценка валютных и финансовых рисков

Februarie 2019 - Mai 2019
3 luni

Стажёр в Управлении политики заработной платы

Министерство Финансов Республики Молдова


Ведение документации;
Сбор и анализ данных;
Написание официальной корреспонденции;
Редактирование законов;
Работа с базами данных в Microsoft Exel

Ianuarie 2016 - Decembrie 2018
2 ani 11 luni

Клиент Менеджер

HDphone SRL


Поиск клиентов в США на английском языке;
Обработка входящих звонков и электронных писем;
Ведение документации;
Заключение контрактов.

Iulie 2014 - Ianuarie 2016
1 an 7 luni

Агент Call-центра

ICS Callme-Service SRL


Прием входящих звонков;
Осуществление холодных звонков;
Продажа по телефону и заключение сделок;
Документальное оформление заявок и заказов;
Подготовка отчетов о выполненной работе.


Română Mediu

Rusă Fluent

Engleză Fluent

Spaniolă Fluent

Studii: Superioare

Absolvit în: 2022

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Facultatea: Litere

Specialitatea: Limba spaniolă şi engleză

Absolvit în: 2022

Universidade da Coruña

Facultatea: Filología

Specialitatea: Lengua Española e Inglesa

Absolvit în: 2021

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Facultatea: Științe Economice

Specialitatea: Administrare Bancară

Absolvit în: 2019

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

Facultatea: Științe Economice

Specialitatea: Finanţe şi Bănci

Preferințe pentru job

Programul de muncă


Permis de conducere

Categoria: B

Cu automobil personal

Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".