34 ani
Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".
Despre mine
CSS 3 / Sass / Tailwind / Bootstrap / Alpine
JQuery / JavaScript / Angular / TS / Vue / Inertia.js
PHP / Laravel / Eloquent ORM / MySQL
Docker / Elastic Search
Experiența profesională
Iunie 2021 - Noiembrie 2023
2 ani 6 luni
PHP Laravel Developer
Proovia Delivery
developed the backend part of the logistics service (https://proovia.delivery)
- developed the back-end part using Laravel
- developed a two-way data transfer service with ZohoCRM for further order processing
- connected the Stripe payment system
- developed Rest Api for data exchange with a mobile application for company drivers
(working time tracking, warehouse logistics, order movement in the UK, etc.)
- connected and implemented an API for searching addresses and geolocation by UK postal code
- developed sticker templates with a QR code to identify the cargo being transported
- participated in the creation of a UI application for drivers
PHP, Laravel, MySQL
Mai 2020 - Aprilie 2021
12 luni
Team Lead Full-Stack Engineer / PHP Laravel Developer
Polilingua SRL
language translation service in UK (https://polilingua.com)
- participated in updating the legacy code of the service on laravel framework
- updated Laravel versions to 8
- developed new modules for the service
- connected payment system Revolut using API
- finalized and improved Ui / UX for the administrative part of the service
- improved code quality and service performance
service for recruitment agency (https://localhr.co)
- developed the design and software part
- developed the back-end part using Laravel
- used JQuery and Bootstrap
led a team of 4 developers
PHP, Laravel, CSS / SCSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JQueryUI, MySQL
Iulie 2018 - Mai 2020
1 an 11 luni
Full-Stack / Designer / PHP Laravel Developer
Design Studio
developed the design and software part of the online store ortomedico.md
- developed the back-end part using Laravel
- used JQuery and Bootstrap
developed a website service for ordering a VIP class transfer in Italy
- developed the back-end part using Laravel
- used JQuery and Bootstrap
- connected the PayPal payment system
developed the design and software part of the Flomaster online store
- developed the back-end part using Laravel
- used JQuery and Bootstrap
PHP, Laravel, CSS / SCSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JQueryUI, MySQL
Februarie 2016 - Iulie 2018
2 ani 5 luni
Front-End Developer / PHP Laravel Developer
Mld-media s.r.l
- developed news website modules (ad units, endless scrolling, news loading)
- improved website appearance and optimized performance
- adaptation and configuration of advertising units from clients
- performed daily tasks to improve the site
- small website redesign
developed an online Moldovan-Russian dictionary,
- developed a database design
development of various small company projects
PHP, Laravel, CSS / SCSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JQueryUI, MySQL
Noiembrie 2015 - Februarie 2016
4 luni
Front-End Developer
created pages html by design layout
worked with html canvas animations for a client from Dubai
adapted pages for php files
html, css / less, php
Română Elementar
Rusă Fluent
Engleză Mediu
Studii: Superioare incomplete
Absolvit în: 2008
ПТУ №9
Facultatea: Автомеханик
Specialitatea: Автомеханик
Preferințe pentru job
Programul de muncă
Permis de conducere
Categoria: B
Cu automobil personal
Pentru a vedea contactele candidatului este necesar să vă înregistrați și să achitați serviciul "Acces la baza de CV-uri".